Dermal Fillers Services

Enhance your natural beauty and restore lost volume with our premium dermal fillers. Whether you want plumper lips, fuller cheeks, or a more defined jawline, our skilled injectors will personalize the treatment to suit your unique needs. Achieve natural-looking results that leave you feeling fabulous.

Take the first step and let us help guide a treatment plan that brings out the best in you!

What is Dermal Fillers?

Treatment Areas: Lips, Cheeks, Chin, and Jawline

Hyaluronic acid fillers will add volume, sculpt, and smooth your face by restoring the firmness and structure that have been lost over time. Changes in our bone, fat, and skin occur as we age altering our facial structure.

A variety of injectable fillers can improve the appearance of lips, cheeks, chin, and jawline by smoothing unwanted lines and creases, adding volume, and restoring what was lost!

Pricing varies and starts at $550

What to expect during your appointment?

  • Before your aesthetics appointment you should contact us with any specific questions on the treatment or procedure, schedule a consultation, and follow any pre-appointment instructions provided to you.

    During your aesthetics appointment, you can expect to be greeted by a member of our team, have the treatment area prepared, undergo the procedure or treatment, and maintain open communication throughout the process.

    After your aesthetics appointment, you will receive post-treatment care instructions, timeline for a recovery period, schedule any necessary follow-up appointments, and maintain the results with recommended care and lifestyle adjustments.

  • Q1: How can I schedule a consultation or treatment? To schedule a consultation or treatment, you can contact us at 816-552-5400 or use our patient portal form on our website. Our staff will assist you in finding a convenient date and time for your visit.

    Q2: Do I need a consultation before receiving treatment? Yes, we highly recommend scheduling a complimentary consultation before any aesthetic treatment. During the consultation, we will assess your specific concerns, discuss your goals, and recommend the most suitable treatment plan for you.

  • Q1: What are dermal fillers? Dermal fillers are injectable gels that add volume and restore facial contours. They are used to address wrinkles, lines, and loss of volume in areas such as the cheeks, lips, nasolabial folds, and jawline.

    Q2: What are dermal fillers made of? Dermal fillers can be made of hyaluronic acid (HA). HA fillers are known for their safety and natural-looking results.

    Q3: How long do dermal fillers last? The longevity of dermal fillers depends on the type of filler used. HA fillers typically last between six months to two years, depending on the specific product and treatment area.