Chemical Peel Services

Unlock the secret to smoother, more radiant skin with our transformative chemical peels. Our customized peels exfoliate and renew your skin, targeting concerns such as acne, hyperpigmentation, and uneven texture. Experience a refreshed and rejuvenated complexion, revealing your natural beauty from within.

Take the first step and let us help guide a treatment plan that brings out the best in you!

What are Chemical Peels?

Skin tone, Fine lines and wrinkles, Acne Scarring

Medical-grade chemical peel is used to improve the appearance of the skin on the face. The peels are used to improve uneven skin texture or skin tone, fine lines and wrinkles, acne scarring, sagging skin, age or sunspots, enlarged pores, and hyperpigmentation.

Small area (face, neck, hands) $400

Package of 3 $750

Large area (legs, arms, chest, back) $500

Package of 3 $ 850

Lighter/Superficial Chemical Peel $150

What to expect during your appointment?

  • Before your aesthetics appointment you should contact us with any specific questions on the treatment or procedure, schedule a consultation, and follow any pre-appointment instructions provided to you.

    During your aesthetics appointment, you can expect to be greeted by a member of our team, have the treatment area prepared, undergo the procedure or treatment, and maintain open communication throughout the process.

    After your aesthetics appointment, you will receive post-treatment care instructions, timeline for a recovery period, schedule any necessary follow-up appointments, and maintain the results with recommended care and lifestyle adjustments.

  • Q1: How can I schedule a consultation or treatment? To schedule a consultation or treatment, you can contact us at 816-552-5400 or use our patient portal form on our website. Our staff will assist you in finding a convenient date and time for your visit.

    Q2: Do I need a consultation before receiving treatment? Yes, we highly recommend scheduling a complimentary consultation before any aesthetic treatment. During the consultation, we will assess your specific concerns, discuss your goals, and recommend the most suitable treatment plan for you.

  • Q1: What is a chemical peel? A chemical peel is a cosmetic treatment that involves applying a chemical solution to the skin to exfoliate the outer layer. This process stimulates skin cell turnover, resulting in collagen production for a smoother, brighter complexion and improved skin texture.

    Q2: What skin concerns can be treated with chemical peels? Chemical peels can effectively address a range of skin concerns, including uneven skin tone, sun damage, acne scars, fine lines, and dull complexion. They can be customized to different strengths and depths to suit individual needs.

    Q3: Are chemical peels painful? During a chemical peel, you may experience a tingling or slight stinging sensation, which varies depending on the depth of the peel. Your comfort is important to us and our providers will ensure that you are comfortable during your treatment.